
Solutions for Intermediaries and Brokers

As an intermediary or broker, you are a key partner for your clients, tasked with presenting innovative products that inspire trust and open new revenue opportunities. With the 1000FTAD software, we provide you with a unique tool that will captivate your clients and strengthen your position in the market.

Our Solution

Increasing Regulatory Requirements and Complex Compliance

Regulatory compliance is becoming more demanding. We help you stay on top of it by offering products that meet the highest compliance standards—so you can focus on your core business.

Cost Management and Margin Pressure

In an environment of increasing margin pressure, we provide solutions that maximise efficiency and reduce costs. Our products enable you to improve profitability and generate recurring revenues without compromising on quality.

Client Retention and the New Generation of Investors

Investor expectations, especially from Gen Y and Gen Z, are shifting toward transparency, innovation, and sustainability. With our modern solutions and tailored strategies, we help you delight your clients and build long-term loyalty.

New Revenue Streams and Commissions

The introduction of a new asset class opens additional revenue opportunities, whether through licensing fees or brokerage commissions.

Risk of Selecting the Wrong Products

Choosing the right products is critical. Our solutions are rigorously tested, transparent, and flexible, ensuring that you offer only the best to your clients.

Security Through Automated Processes

Automated systems eliminate emotional decision-making and minimise human errors. Financial service providers can therefore offer their clients more stable and predictable performance.

Ich blicke auf eine lange Zeit im Devisenmarkt zurück und habe viele Pleiten erlebt. Doch mit 1000FTAD habe ich endlich zufriedene Kunden, die laufend Erträge generieren.


Devisen Profi, Spanien

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Performance Report

Unser Monthly Performance Review „Our Fabulous Accounts Of The Month“ informiert Sie Monat für Monat über die Entwicklung der von der 1000FTAD Software gesteuerten Handelskonten.