
For Investors

Entrepreneurial challenges

Introduce a proven growth engine in your business to ease economic risk and concerns
Difficult financial circumstances require consistent action to compensate for sales and profits. Open up additional sources of revenue and let yourself be inspired by 1000FTAD.

Precious Metals

Discover how to grow your metal reserves rapidly while diversifying
In the event of a monetary devaluation, precious metals are a safe investment location. However, they do not generate interest income. It is not possible to cover additional costs. We offer a reliable alternative.

Inflation Concerns

Discover how to keep way ahead of inflation and typical interest rates.
Large goals require additional use. In this way, you create space for new possibilities for yourself and your customers and use potentials meaningfully.

Rising costs

Challenging times require new approaches
Create it with 1000FTAD determining the current social situation and competing with a successful concept.

Real estate

stagnating market, glass ceiling and rising costs
Real estate have lost their position as the ultimate investment. Enormous price increases and cost increases are making them increasingly less attractive, in addition to the immense administrative burden.


Work to live!
Are you planning your professional exit? Our software offers you a variety of opportunities and revenue sources to look carefree and secure for the work-free time and perhaps even dare some new adventures.

Evidence of our customers appreciation & satisfaction

1000 Fabulous Trades a Day: Trustworthy Consistency

Monthly Performance Report

Discover extraordinary results in our Monthly Performance Review, „Our Fabulous Accounts of the Month,“ showcasing the impressive development of trading accounts managed by the 1000FTAD software.

As Unique and Diverse as Your Ambitions

Strategies with potential for success

Become Part of the 1000FTAD Community – Where Innovation Meets Trusted Partnerships and Success Is Driven by Quality and Experience.